10+ projects across puntland


About us

ISDO is a development organization which is committed to help in creating enabling environment for community development initiatives, by focusing on the areas of education, health, skill improvement, water and sanitation, environmental protection. This can be achieved through local capacity building, social and resource mobilization to fully implement the development strategy and achieve the Sustainable developmental goals.

ISDO has been successfully delivering high quality service with well-earned reputation since 2005.  It enjoys strong and cordial relationships with the different stakeholders, with particular emphasis on communities that it serves as well as regional government’s line bureaus and donor community. These relationships are based on mutual interest and shared commitments to poverty reduction and promotion of sustainable development.

Come join us

ISDO defines sustainability as delivery of program service consistently support target communities both during and after program phase out, by strengthening the capacity of government institutions, facilities and community based committees through community engagement and create sense of ownership.


We organize inclusive events for our communities

Our partners